Discover Science across Europe

The Science Guide

Zeichnung von einem Kompass

With the Science Guide, our students take you on a scientific journey across Europe. They tell research stories from different European countries and offer you a new, scientific perspective on the continent's travel destinations. Currently, most of the reports and articles are available only in German, but English and French versions of the website are in the making.

The articles on the website are mainly written by students of journalism and science journalism at TU Dortmund University.

About the project
Zeichnung von einem Kompass

Popular Articles

Ein Mann im wei´ßen Kittel sitzt an einem Tisch. Darauf liegt ein großer Knochen. Am Tisch stehen vier weitere Menschen.
Natural history with a twist: Research to touch and watch
Natural history with a twist: Research to touch and watch
At the Naturalis museum in Leiden you can watch scientists at work, even as they dissect animals for the public eye.
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Esplora Interactive Science Centre
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Science Sight
Esplora Interactive Science Centre
Ever burped? Or passed wind? Normally, these are both topics that we feel embarrassed about. But at the Esplora Interactive Science Center in Malta you do not have to be ashamed. Here, you can learn how passing wind or burping happens in the body. Also you can learn about the physiological processes that happen in […]
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Giant waves of Nazaré
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Science Sight
Giant waves of Nazaré
The Portuguese town of Nazaré is particularly well known to surfers: about 120 km north of Lisbon, huge waves of two dozen metres or more can occur there. Only the best big wave surfers in the world take on this force. The reason for this natural spectacle is the Nazaré Canyon north of Nazaré on […]

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Ein riesieger Staudamm von oben. Foto: Sjoerd Bracke & Cuno de Bruin.
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Delta Works
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Delta Works
Although the Delta Works in the Netherlands are impressive, they are nevertheless literally an attraction of the ‘reserved’ kind. After all, the Delta Works form the world’s largest storm surge protection system. It was built by the Dutch government in response to a devastating flood disaster in 1953, in which almost 1,900 people and over […]
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Volcanoes: Mars on your doorstep
Iceland is an excellent place to study the formation of a planet. A researcher takes us to the latest hot spot.
Im Vordergrund ein Mikrofon, im Hintergrund ein abstraktes Kunstwerk
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Science Talk on Bosnia and Herzegovina: Shadows of the past, chances for the future?
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Science Fact
Science Talk on Bosnia and Herzegovina: Shadows of the past, chances for the future?
What's the state of science in Bosnia and Herzegovina? What's unique? What are the biggest challenges? Science journalist Jasmin Alibegović gives his view.
Historisches Gebäude mit dem Schriftzug Institut Pasteur
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Institut Pasteur
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Science Sight
Institut Pasteur
Behind the walls of the elegant building in Paris, major scientific breakthroughs have been made time and again for 150 years.
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